Multilayer plastic sheet by co-extrusion

sheet plastic

Co-extrusion is a technique for the production of multi-layer plastic sheets. Through a small (co-) extruder a second material is extruded. This is combined with the material from the main extruder. The co-extrusion material ends up on the outside of the plastic sheet, either unilateral or bilateral.
Co-extrusion is used in particular to give the outside of the plastic sheet a different colour than the inside. This could be a combination of a recycled core with a coloured surface from virgin materials. This is an economical concept, due to lower raw material costs. Co-extrusion is also a possibility to use certain expensive additives (e.g. pigments and / or UV stabilizer) only on the place where it is needed: on the surface.
In the above examples, the plastic in the different layers is of the same kind. Combinations of different plastics are also possible. A common combination is a PE sheet with TPE top layer. This rubberlike top layer ensures anti-slip properties.  


sheet plastic sheet plastic sheet plastic

plastic sheets sheet plastic