Ekon is supplier for many industries. PE and PP plastic sheets or strip are supplied as semi-manufactured products, for different applications. It is used in apparatus and machine building, car manufacturing, construction industry etc.

Since many years, Ekon supplies a range of plastic sheet products for barn equipment for poultry, pigs, horses and cattle.
Animal keeping
Ekon is a supplier of a diverse range of plastic sheet products for the civil engineering sector.
Civil engineering
Many of Ekon's sheet plastics are used for transport, storage and packaging of goods. One can think of slipsheets, separators, storage racks, transport carts and special packagings for various products.
Material handling
Ekon supplies various sheets of plastic and semi-finished products for the leisure segment. This could for instance include materials for garden fences, plastic sheets for playground equipment, thick film for root protection and -guidance, and lawn edging.
Leisure time
More info on various other plastic sheet products: Ekogrip, Colourgrip, Ekoliner and surface structures.